Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Berlin Calling

1.   What do drugs mean to Ickarus?
They are his way of relaxing, taking the edge off so he can just chill out.
They were his way of escaping reality and getting away.  He thrived on them and needed them to work and do his job.  It was part of the partying subculture.  Drugs are Ickarus’ way of copping with problems. 

2.   Why, when, and how are his fans taking drugs, and which drugs do they take?
Some of them are taking cocaine and snorting it while they are partying.  They take it to keep them going.
They are taking Ecstasy to get high and enjoy the music.
They are taking ketamine whenever they want to disconnect.
MDA with PMA in it.

3. While we can see that his drug habits get him ill and into a psychosis, and while we witness his relapse and inability to work successfully, why does the subculture Ickarus belongs to focus on drugs?
It seems that all the subculture wants to do is party.    They live off of getting messed up and having a good time.  Music is really huge and seems to be how they express themselves and get their emotions out

4. Compare the standards you know from your home society with the people you see depicted in this movie. Which are the stark differences and contrasts?
Major differences would include: having to care about my life, we don’t do hardcore drugs all the time, we have responsibilities and it seems that our society expects better from us.

5. Germany is considered a strong industrial nation the world over. Do you think that the youth culture as depicted here could change that? How about work ethics of Ickarus and of Alice, the label director who fires and then re-signs him?
         I would agree that Germany is a strong industrial capital of the world but I would also say that in the last five years they have really come into the music scene.  It is really becoming popular there and they are starting to spit out tons of new music.  Ickarus, despite being crazy and doing all kinds of stuff he shouldn’t seemingly had a strong work ethic as he worked throughout all of his problems, during his relapse and during his healing phase.  Alice was in it for the money.  Ickarus became more hassle than he was worth but when the promise of good music became apparent to her she wanted to resign him and did.

6. Which similar "cult movies" of US origin have you seen, if any?

            There were some kinds of similarities with the movie fear and loathing in las vegas.  The guy was extremely addicted to hardcore drugs. Made crazy choices with his life and it greatly affected him.  This movie is more of a drama than Fear was.  Fear was more Hollywood.

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.  It wasn't a cult classic but it was good and a memorable movie.    I think that it was really well written.  You really got the sense of the environment they were trying to portray.  It felt european, if felt real.  It takes you through Ickarus' Journey of battling drugs and fighting to stay afloat within his career and his life.  It takes you through the struggle of trying to get off of these drugs and still cope with your problems and do the things you loved to do on the drugs without them.  It really did a good job taking you through the ups and downs.  You wanted him to break out of the hospital but you wanted him to go back.  You understood how he felt and his time to go out and release the stress of being cooped up and it made you feel like you wanted him to leave.  You wanted him to enjoy himself but not to relapse.  Your hopes and dreams are crushed as he relapses and crashes and smashes his life to pieces.  Fortunately for him he had some forgiving people in his life and he mended those relationships as he healed and got off the drugs. I was really glad to see him beat his struggles and stare adversity in the face and deny drugs to not only himself but to his friends as well.  It was good to see that he could put aside his drug problems and continue to put all his effort he had left into his job, into making music.  Very well written piece of filmography.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014



FreikÖrperkultur is A German movement, which essentially means Free Body Culture.  People who practice this culture have a mindset of a naturist approach to living and sports.
The German’s Free Body Culture or “nudist movement” was one of the first around the world.
Hitler banned these groups and nudists all together when he came into power. 
The first naked Olympic Games were in 1939 in Switzerland.

Today there are still nude beaches and cultures but they are zoned in only certain areas and there are a few modern rules to keep.  One of them is to not gawk.örperkultur

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chapter 10

Kyle Kielty
Mike Reimann

We are in an abandoned village that is being shelled heavily.  We are all here Kat, Albert, Tjaden, and Detering.  Haie is dead.  We are trying to keep things as light as possible and make the most of every opportunity.  We have a concrete cellar with mattresses.  We are doing ok.  We patrol the houses and get items we need and small amounts of food.  We send a couple of our guys out to hunt for fresh vegetables as we don’t much enjoy the canned ones. I’m making pancakes in the middle of getting barraged by artillery shells, because they could see the smoke from the chimney of the building I am cooking in.  I must finish the pancakes as they are my favorite.  We found pigs and ate them with a feast of food gathered.  We are all having upset stomachs and having to frequently expel our pig dinner as it was super fatty and that will move the bowels.  We are enjoying this as much as we can, we all treat each other like they are our butlers and we can boss them around and tell them to bring us good food.  Kat is happy, and Tjaden is now down to half a cigar!  We received our orders to go back.  We have large amounts of supplies and cigarettes and everyone is really enjoying them selves as much as they possibly can in such a situation.  A few days later we receive orders to evacuate a village.  There are still many local people in this village and the French begin to rain shells down upon us and there people alike.  They hit albert in the leg, it narrowly missed me.  Albert and I are running and getting chased by artillery as they are zoning in on our position.  Albert starts slowing down and I grab him and drag him into a dug out.  His leg is fully useless by now and we grab an ambulance wagon as it passes our hide out.  Albert says he won’t go through life as a cripple and will off himself if they have to take his leg.  I also have a few wounds and we finally get to the surgeon.  He fishes the pieces out of my body and Albert’s and we are on our way. There is a Sergeant Major looking out for us as we wait for the train.  I bribe him with cigars and he makes sure we all get put into the same car.  There are sisters in the box car that make us fresh beds and we are meant to sleep while we travel on the rails.  The train is moving slowly and stops to drop the dead off.  We are stopping a lot.  The nurses are checking on everyone and checking temperatures.  She checks mine and when she turns around I stick it in my armpit, knowing that if I have a fever they will send me wherever Albert goes for treatment of his leg.  We finally get to a catholic hospital and the people on the train filled the place. We give the sisters a great deal of grief while we are here. All who are taken to the Dying Room have never returned, except for Peter, and while he was there many wounded soldiers came and went. Albert’s day finally came and they amputated his leg at the thigh and he once again talks about offing himself. Slowly, a few of are allowed to get up, but I can’t bear the stares from Albert, so I leave the room and explore the different wings of the hospital where I see many terrible cases which causes me to realize my life is nothing but death and gloom. I wonder what people will expect of me if this war ever ends. Now that I’ve healed enough I can start physical therapy and Albert’s healing well but seems more solemn than before. I am put on leave to finish healing but as I get recalled to go back to the front lines my mother doesn’t want me to leave. I will miss my best friend Albert.